International Conference for Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nursing

Clinical Workshops

The conference offers extra clinical workshops. These are scheduled during the parallel sessions. Below you can find these clinical workshops.


Updates on the management of hypertension and cardio-vascular disease

Dr. Deborah Gray

This presentation will review key points, incorporating new guidelines and treatment options for the diagnosis and management of hypertension and dyslipidemia in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 1, Monday 27 August from 10.00-11.00 hours

Mastering Muscular Skeletal Examination

Dr. Kim LaMarche

This workshop is designed to provide APNs with a systematic and evidence based approach to MSK assessment. Findings from a proper musculoskeletal (MSK) examination are extremely useful in navigating the pitfalls of common primary care diagnoses and management.  The literature has demonstrated a specific gap in terms of MSK examination skills among clinicians. Combined with the increasing burden of MSK related diagnoses, the time is right for a review!

Target Participants: Students and practicing Advance Practice Nurses (APNs)

Workshop Format:  in a 60 minute time slot, the presenter will provide an overview of the essentials of a complete and focused MSK exam. Mini case presentations will be threaded throughout to review the essentials of MSK assessment including:
Comprehensive screening exam (ie for sports participation)
Focused diagnostic exam for singular joint/muscle pain (ie shoulder/knee pain)
Focused diagnostic exam for multiple joint/muscle pain (ie OA/autoimmune disease)

The presentation will include patient education resources, physical assessment essentials, history elements review and diagnostic adjuncts. Participants will receive summary handouts to take back to integrate into their practice.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 2, Monday 27 August from 11.30-12.30 hours

Management of the 10 most common infections worldwide

Dr. Lorna Schumann

According to WHO in 2011 there were 12,420 different infectious diseases. This presentation will cover the top 10 diseases seen worldwide. Among the top 10 infectious diseases are Hepatitis B, Malaria, Hepatitis C, Dengue Fever, Tuberculosis, HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HPV and Influenza. A case study approach will be used for the presentation. The focus of the presentation will be on patient management of the diseases.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 3, Monday 27 August from 14.30-15.30 hours

So you think it’s dementia

Dr. Mary Steinke

In this workshop, we will examine the pathophysiology,evidence-based research, review 1 or more case studies and review the assessment and management of the 2 most common types of Dementia, and discuss types that are not as prevalent. We will also discuss “stereotype threats” when it comes to diagnosing and treating Dementia.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 4, Monday 27 August from 16.00-17.00 hours

Nurse Prescribing Principles and Developments

Dr. Elissa Ladd

The practice and regulatory authority for nurse prescribing is rapidly expanding around the world. Nurse prescribing is developing often in response to national exigencies in relation to workforce shortages and by the need to advance health system efficiencies. Whether functioning within or outside traditional regulatory frameworks, nurses need to have knowledge of how to access and appraise the best evidence-based information on drugs. Levels of evidence, scientific sources of information, research funding, and industry promotions will be addressed. Further discussion will include recent regulatory developments pertaining to nurse prescribers around the world.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 5, Tuesday 28 August from 10.00-11.00 hours

Adult and Paediatric Respiratory Examination including Case Studies for APNs

Mina Miller and Sibongi Sibanda

The presentation includes a brief overview of respiratory anatomy and physiology, including a review of the differences between adults and children. Physical exam of the respiratory system will be reviewed with normal and abnormal findings. Both adult and pediatric case studies will be presented within the context of pertinent history, physical exam findings and related investigations.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 6, Tuesday 28 August from 11.30-12.30 hours

Integrating medical and nursing reasoning as core business for the Nurse Practitioner: Where do you stand?

Gabriël Roodbol

Nurse practitioners build a bridge between a patient’s health problems and medical treatment on the one side, and the consequences these bring for the patient’s daily functioning and social environment on the other. To this end, they combine medical reasoning with nursing reasoning. They are challenged, however, by the fact that medical treatment results form the basis for healthcare financing and policy making. Although the patient’s functioning is increasingly recognized as a primary healthcare outcome – the core of the nursing profession – nursing reasoning is still being neglected and, with that, the nursing profession. How do nurse practitioners combine nursing information with the medical findings? Literature shows that attention is paid to the ‘mapping’ of nursing and medical terminology, but the ‘combined reasoning process’ seems to be still unexplored territory.

How do nurse practitioners combine these two tracks in their reasoning process? To what extent do they use nursing classification systems such as NANDA-NIC-NOC, or OMAHA, or the ICF as a knowledge domain for the formulation of nursing diagnoses, interventions and care results?

During this workshop we would like to learn how you give shape to this in your clinical practice. The clinical reasoning cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013) is being modified as an overarching model for integrated medical and nursing reasoning within the HAN MANP (Master of Advanced Nursing Practice in Nijmegen) program. This is facilitated using the PES=structure (Gordon, 1994) with the bio-psycho-social model. We would like to discuss this framework with you.

Purpose: To exchange clinical experiences with the integration of medical and nursing reasoning.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 7, Tuesday 28 August from 14.30-15.30 hours

The clinical utility of evidence based risk evaluation combined with de-escalation interventions in emergency psychiatry

Dr. Roland van de Sande

Early recognition of alarming signs associated with the risk of severe escalations are crucial for caring patients that have to rely on emergency psychiatric services. However combining individualized structured riskassesment with tailored de-escalations can be difficult to manage effectively in hectic clinical environments. Over the past few years robust scientific evaluations reveal several useful evidence based approaches in this area. Time has arrived to link these dynamic and frequent risk evaluation modalities with tailored psychosocial de-escalation interventions to enhance stabilization and recovery. This workshop will address to the clinical utility of frequent short term risk evaluations (Crisis Monitor approach) combined with a tailored set of research informed de-escalation (Safewards) interventions. Pairing these interventions in a dynamic and personalized way will be demonstrated in five typical crisis scenario’s. The implications for training, implementation, sustainability and future research will be discussed with the participants. The learning objectives of this workshop will be focused on understanding and managing the basic principles of the two research based approaches in five different realistic crisis scenario’s in day to day practice.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 8, Tuesday 28 August from 16.00-17.00 hours


Electrocardiography: from basic interpretation to recognition of acute life threatening phenomena

Lucas Savalle

In the workshop, we will show the normal ECG at rest, and explain what we see. Then we will discuss the ECG’s for various patiënt complaints, especially the life threatening ones. Think about ventricular arrhythmia’s, myocardial infarction, conduction disorders, etc.

Scheduled in parallel sessions 10, Wednesday 29 August from 14.00-15.00 hours